So I read I could ‘bake’ an entire cake, icing and all in the microwave in 9 minutes!

Sounded too good to be true, but in my research I found several people attesting it could be done. Some claiming it must be done in a silicon bundt pan. Others talked about using old crocks from old crock pots. I had neither and finding a silicon pan was easier to find.

So you get a cake mix of choice and follow the directions on the back. Put the mix in the bundt pan and spoon the can of icing right in the batter. Put it in the microwave for 9 minutes.

At first it seemed to work. Until I flipped it over. The melted runny icing flowed over everything. However so did some of the uncooked cake batter. Oops! I got it back in the pan and cooked 3 more minutes. And it was done! A whole cake with icing cooked in the microwave!

It was not pretty. But it was yummy! I’ve decided either my microwave just wasn’t powerful enough and I need to cook it longer next time. Also maybe not add the whole can of icing.

We used an orange cake mix and dark chocolate icing. For us although it was good it was a bit rich. And we weren’t fans of the orange cake. But overall it was a fun and quick new way to have cake. We are excited to try it again soon.

Categories: Cooking