We have been on the road for over 2 months! We hit the road on 25 October 2017.  We have been all over the map in temperatures, but not in actual travel. Right now we’re still hanging out in Florida mostly with family and trying to get everything settled and good for the road. Unexpected axel replacement leading to unexpected tire replacement and we will be on the road soon. I am still really struggling to get this blog figured out. I don’t understand why I am having so much trouble with it. Anyway, life is busier than I expected and our youtube and facebook are quite a bit behind. Partially by design for our safety and partially because things take longer living in an RV.   I’ve bookmarked this particular editing page, so maybe I can get to it again soon. As the other one seems to fail constantly at saving or publishing. We are still working on making a routine for life, not just vacation style living and getting stuff done.  So much out there to see and do!

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